We have acne scar treatment for our Asian ethnic patients and have invested over 15 years to develop our 5-7 step method that treats all variants of acne scars in approximately two hours.
The acne scar disease process involves multiple layers of the skin. The hair follicle length and extension into the skin is based on different time points in the growth cycle of the hair. This extension allows the process to reach multiple layers of the skin, including subcutaneous tissue and the layer above the fascia of the muscles or that surrounds the muscles. Treating the surface means only treating a portion of the disease process.
Previous treatments dealing with the surface area of skin has come short in completely treating the disease process and acne scarring. The acne scar vitalizer treatment centers on treating multiple layers of the skin. Through the 5-7 step process, we treat all layers of the skin and get the best results. We are seeing very significant changes. The acne scar vitalizer treatment is done in two hours.
During your initial consultation with Dr. Young, will have the opportunity to ask questions and relay any concerns and fears with him and our patient care coordinators.
When you come in, we are going to discuss how aggressive you would like us to be with your laser resurfacing. We will talk about whether you would like us to do fractional resurfacing or traditional resurfacing.
You can email, call 425-990-3223 or text 425-341-3893 to set up an appointment. If you live out of town, we can schedule a phone consultation with you.
Here at AFPS, our staff will take the time and care to set you up with a great treatment plan. Treat yourself today to a beautiful more rejuvenated look today!