You don't have to feel like people are always looking at the scars on your nose. Do something about your scars today through Laser Nose Scar Revision.
Dr. Young is a renowned surgeon and leader in the Scar Treatment for the Nose, Self Harm Scars, and Acne Scar Treatment with more than 20 years of surgical experience. Learn why people all over the world come to see Dr. Young.
Below is an example of a nose laser resurfacing scar revision treatment. This patient had elevated white scars on the bottom of his nose from acne. Our approach was to treat the whole nose as one sub unit. The nose is seen as one unit together so we wanted to treat the whole nose so that textural and color changes would be present for the whole nose. We used traditional laser resurfacing for the whole nose and where the scars were at the bottom of his nose we wanted to treat this portion with a cutting laser.
"I am feeling more and more confident every day because of you're help and I can't thank you enough!" — - RC 20's Latino Male from Seattle, WA.